Jon's Dev Blog

A Statistical Test for Difference of Two Rates

May 01, 2024

Adding notes I took while trying to understand how to AB test an intervention on churn rate.


The Scenario

Suppose we are a subscription service, and we want to A/B test a new campaign to increase usage among low activity viewers. Suppose also we do not have good information on expected return rate from month to month (e.g, because we have not collected data previously to establish a baseline population return rate). In this scenario, we will need to use separate test and control groups, and test the difference between test and control group's return rates after the intervention. To make things concrete, let's say we measure the return rate at the end of every month, and the intervention is a push notification or something that fires sometime during the month of study. Moreover, and these devices have been chosen because they are at a relatively low level of activity.


  • Let the subscript i{t,c}i\in\{t, c\} denote that a quantity is calculated for the test or control group, respectively.
  • Let PiP_i denote return rate.
  • Let Qi=1PiQ_i = 1-P_i.
  • Let NiN_i denote the observed number of returners in group ii.
  • Let nn be the sample size for the test and control groups (i.e., there are 2n2n total participants).
  • Let α\alpha and β\beta be the usual definitions of type I and II error, respectively.
  • For any real number γ\gamma, let z1γz_{1-\gamma} be the usual standard normal cutoff quantile.


Note that NiBinom(n,Pi)N_i \simeq Binom(n, P_i). Assuming nn is large, then Binom(n,Pi)N(Ni,nPiQi)Binom(n, P_i) \sim N(N_i, n\cdot P_i\cdot Q_i). Since we are dealing with a lot of customers and there is little risk in using large samples, we may assume nn is large and the differences are negligible. Therefore, we can use a suitable zz statistic to test the difference NtNcN_t - N_c, which is approximately distributed as N(n(PtPc),n(PtQtPcQc))N(n(P_t - P_c), n(P_tQ_t - P_cQ_c)).

Since we hope to reduce return with this campaign, let's assume the null hypothesis is that PtPcP_t \leq P_c, and the alternative hypothesis is Pt>PcP_t>P_c.

Calculating the zz-Statistic


z=NtNcn(PtPc)n(PtQtPcQc)z = \frac{N_t - N_c - n(P_t - P_c)}{\sqrt{n(P_tQ_t - P_cQ_c)}}

Assuming the null hypothesis, we reject if z>zαz > -z_{\alpha}. Under the null hypothesis, PtPc0P_t - P_c \geq 0. In fact, we can assume Pt=PcP_t = P_c under the null, so that our rejection region is as small as possible. In other words, define

zH0=NtNc2nPcQcz_{H_0} = \frac{N_t - N_c}{\sqrt{2nP_cQ_c}}

and define the rejection region as

R={zH0>zα}={NtNc>zα2nPcQc}.R = \{z_{H_0} > z_{\alpha}\} = \{N_t - N_c > z_\alpha\sqrt{2nP_cQ_c}\}.

Deciding Sample Size

Power is defined to be

1βP(R  Ha)=P(NtNc>zα2nPcQc  Pt>Pc)=P(z>zα2nPcQcn(PtPc)n(PtQt+PcQc)).\begin{aligned} 1 - \beta &\geq \mathbb{P}(R\ \vert\ H_a) \\ &= \mathbb{P}( N_t - N_c > z_\alpha\sqrt{2nP_cQ_c}\ \vert\ P_t > P_c) \\ &= \mathbb{P}\left( z > \frac{z_\alpha\sqrt{2nP_cQ_c} - n(P_t - P_c)}{\sqrt{n(P_tQ_t + P_cQ_c)}} \right). \end{aligned}

But this expression is true if and only if the right hand side is z1βz_{1-\beta}. Therefore, we have

z1βn(PtQt+PcQc)>zα2nPcQcn(PtPc)n(PtPc)>zα2PcQc+zβPtQt+PcQcn>(zα2PcQc+zβPtQt+PcQcPtPc)2.\begin{aligned} z_{1-\beta}\sqrt{n(P_tQ_t + P_cQ_c)} &> z_\alpha\sqrt{2nP_cQ_c} - n(P_t-P_c) \\ \sqrt{n}(P_t - P_c) &> z_\alpha\sqrt{2P_cQ_c} + z_\beta\sqrt{P_tQ_t + P_cQ_c} \\ n &> \left(\frac{z_\alpha\sqrt{2P_cQ_c} + z_\beta\sqrt{P_tQ_t + P_cQ_c}}{P_t - P_c}\right)^2. \end{aligned}

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Written by Jon Lamar: Machine learning engineer, former aspiring mathematician, cyclist, family person.